"The lessons that he taught me wouldn’t fade: to be kind, to be forgiving, to not be critical. Little lessons like that. And only finding the good, and filling yourself with that. Living for someone else, it makes it bigger than you.”
Read More“Figuring out how to maintain a posture of gratitude, and positivity, while still striving for justice, and being angry about our lack of it, seems to be so difficult and challenging, but so important.”
Read MoreWithout Ackerman’s quiet importance and dedication to Madison House, the entire operation would fail to function as successfully as it does today.
Read More“I fell in love with it - no one was there when I visited, but it was still so alive with drawings and posters and toys.”
Read More“The biggest challenge is forgiveness. If we don’t forgive, then those emotions develop into hate."
Read More“Trust is one of the most important factors in our society. The more trust you have, the less crime. Children can play in the streets. Elderly don’t have to worry."
Read MoreWhen asked what Elzinga would do if he could bring one change to the world, he instantly replied with “world peace.”
Read More"I have a deep desire to be loved and cared for by others. I have no right to complain that people aren’t fulfilling this desire if I don’t go the extra mile myself."
Read More“Once the moms are healed, it trickles down to the daughter then it touches the family, community, and the world.”
Read More“The fulfillment of a small wish, gives people that little push to keep going in hard times,” said the founder of The Wishing Factory, which has fulfilled 194 wishes of Thalassemia Major patients.
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