What is Unsung People?
Unsung People shares stories of people making our communities better. Our journalists write in-depth CloseUP stories spotlighting inspiring community members. We also share simple stories of kindness collected from monthly community events and online submissions.
Why are we doing this?
Our mission is to celebrate kindness. We want to contribute to a world in which we notice kindness around us and are kind to others. Reading about stories of kindness within a community has powerful ripple effects. Research on “Moral Elevation” by NYU professor Jonathan Haidt, shows that when people witness acts of kindness around them, they are more likely to experience positive emotions and be motivated to also perform acts of kindness.
What is the problem?
People consume 490 minutes worth of media everyday and for every positive story, there are 17 negative ones. News is not good for us; research by Szabo and Hopkinson shows that consuming as little as 15 minutes of news leads to persistent negative psychological feelings. George Gerbner's research suggests that this negative media leads to the Mean World Syndrome: the belief that the world is much more dangerous than it actually is.